Sunday 6 September 2015

Summerhill and Middle WIN house music

Today has been busy but really good fun.  The Year 13 chose "Dancing Queen" for Summerhill and Middle to learn the words and a dance routine to.  In rotation with the other houses, we used the Theatre, Chapel and Creed Room.  The coreograph was simple but interesting which made the routine easy to learn.  Every time I went to check on how everyone was doing everybody appeared to be enjoying themselves.  

Our ensemble piece was from Les Mis but unfortunately we did not win with this piece.  Niamh and Rachana were on the violins, Selene played the piano, Jamie and Olivia played the cello and Peter sang.

Mr Parker was the judge.  He gave us maximum marks for our dance routine and commented that everybody was able to access the song as it was in the correct range.  It was a lot of hard work for the Year 13s but everyone appreciated their effort as we were announced as winners.  Mr Harding was good enough to say that he agreed we were the best.  During our encore, all the other houses got up and sang with us.  The atmosphere was brilliant.