Sunday 24 January 2016

Burn's night meal and Ceilidh

Tonight saw the annual Burn's night meal of Haggis, Neeps, Tatties (and chicken).  The bagpipes were played as the haggis was piped in to the dining room.  Mr Duke said a toast to the haggis.  It was royally sacrificed and taken through to the kitchen to be served.  A superb meal followed by the boarders trying to blow enough air into the bagpipes to be able to play a tune.  After a toast to the Lasses followed by a reply to the Laddies, we retired to the sports hall to have a ceilidh.  We finished with a rousing chorus of Auld Lang Syne (which the boarders still need to learn the words to!).  All agreed that it was an excellent night.  One which we look forward to every year.