Sunday 12 June 2016

Summerhill run the Race for Life

Today was the annual Race for Life which was held in the Royal Victoria Park.

Again there was an amazing turn out from the Summerhill girls.  We all entered the 5k race which started at 11am.

Dave set us up for the day with bacon and egg sandwiches which we had before we left.  We met up with Mrs Morris and walked down to the start line for 10:15am where we caught up with the day girls who were running.

Lizzie and Ellie came joint second in the whole race!

I think I was the last person from Kingswood to cross the line - doing my duty to ensure there were no stragglers (except me!).

I huge thank you to those Summerhill girls who took part:

Lara, Numa, India, Abi, Ellie B, Cherry, Viky, Bella, Lizzie, Jessie, Sophie, Kate, Chloe, Sarah Y, Helen, Lottie, Emily, Selene, Emma and Hannah.

It's so good to have people willingly give up their time to do something different and enjoy it even though it rained a little bit.

Thank you girls.  You are indeed, awesome!

Having breakfast before we set off

Leaving Summerhill
On the way there

The Summerhill Possy
Mrs B
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What is it with Abi and her need to pull faces!

Year 11s

Year 11s

Sarah and Emily

Year 12s

Year 9s

Some of the people we were running for

During the warm up

Jessie and Lizzie - our elite athletes

'The Walkers' - (nothing to do with Zombies)

Lizzie and Ellie nearly finished - at the 4k mark while we were at the 1k mark