Tonight was the first night of a new routine of celebrating Music and Drama in the school. Last year was KAT - Kingswood Artistically Talented awards. This included awards in Music, Drama, DT and Art. This year as the school has grown so have the number of people doing these subjects. It was felt more appropriate to split the subjects into Music &Drama and DT & Art.
The girls in the House got ready in Summerhill and had their photo's taken before they went. Although it looks like all 5 Year 11s were going, Lottie and India decided to dress up as well as they felt they were missing out.
The girls returned at 10:30pm having had a really good time.
Zoe, Selene, Sarah, India, Lottie and Abi |
Zoe, Selene and Sarah |
India, Lottie and Abi |
Sarah, India and Lottie |
Jess, Zoe, Selene, Sarah, India, Lottie and Abi |
Jess and Zoe |
Jess |
Zoe |
Selene |
Sarah |
India |
Lottie |
Abi |
Year 10 watching - Lizzie and Emily |
Calm after they have gone - Lara and Bella |