Sunday, 27 September 2015

Lizzie's 15th Birthday - Saturday 26th September

Lizzie had a good day today.  She started by bag packed in Waitrose helping raise money for Malawi.   She then scored a hatrick of goals in the 7-1 win against Colston's in hockey.  She had been sent presents from her family which she had saved for today and she received more in the post.  With a visit from her brother and a home-made cake in the evening all was good.

Might have to edit Abi out of this otherwise excellent photo!

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Christy's 17th birthday - Tuesday 22nd September

Tuesday saw Christy's 17th birthday.  To compensate for having to be at school all day I baked two cakes for us to share in the evening.

Christy was good fun and wore the 18th birthday hat all evening - corrected to 17th.



Saturday, 19 September 2015

The first Sixth form boarders safari supper

With the intention of giving the sixth form boarders the opportunity to get to know each other better - especially across the house's we organised a Safari Supper.  A meal where each course would be held in a different house.

The girls started in Fonthill, moved on to Summerhill and finished at School House.  It was a huge sucsess for the 15 girls who trialed it.  So successful in fact, that it is definitely something that we will do again - maybe even once every half term.