Saturday, 8 November 2014

Fireworks at the Rec

The Summerhill girls and a few friends from Fonthill have just got back from watching the fireworks at the Bath Rec.  It was brilliant.

I made everyone sweet treats.  My mum always made treacle toffee for me when I was younger so I made a batch for my girls to try.  I also made peanut brittle and fudge.  The girls took a section down with them to have with the display.

Not much left here

We met up in Summerhill to walk down together ...

.... and then regrouped outside the Podium.  Then onto the fireworks.

It was a prefect night .....

... no rain and actually quite warm.  The fireworks were brilliant.  Half an hour of superb, deep bangs, sparkles and hisses. 

We regrouped again at the end and made our way back to Summerhill.

Dave decided we needed nourishment so looked out for us with chips, both cheesy and non-cheesy which went down really well.

It was a perfect way to finish the evening.

The girls relaxing in the kitchen

Mimi, Christy and India

 A huge 'thank you' to my girls for making the effort of walking to and from town.  I hope you all felt it was worth it because I'd love to do it all again next year.

Mrs B xx