Monday, 10 October 2016

Lara's 16th birthday

Today was Lara's 16th birthday.  She was very lucky as I had time to come home between lessons and bake a cake, and defrost another one.
We all sang to her and enjoyed cake!

Lottie and Chloe

Home made cake

Singing Happy birthday

Blowing out the candle




Precious and Louise

Martha, Rachana and Rigam


Saturday, 1 October 2016

Saturday Supper in House

Tonight we managed to get ourselves organised enough to cook supper in House.  Dave and I thought a pork, roast dinner was a good way to start. We made roast pork (and chicken for those who didn't like pork), roast potatoes, cabbage, sweetcorn, crackling and gravy.  It took us slightly longer to cook everything than we thought so the girls were quite hungry by the time we ate.  A lot of food was consumed - but it was excellent.

A huge thank you to Dave for all his efforts.

The girls waiting for food

They've noticed I'm taking photo's

A bit more reserved on this table

Simran, Manaho and Rigam

Precious, Hannah (temporary boarding) and Lara

Precious and Hannah

Lara, Phoebe, India and Lottie (good to have you back!)

The food arrives

Pork and potaotes



Cherry and Viky