Friday, 27 May 2016

Year 13 "muck-up" day

Today saw the annual "muck-up" day.  The final day of teaching for year 13s.  Last night, those students who did not have an exam today, camped on the Upper playing fields.  This morning they returned to school tired but happy.

The theme chosen for this year was Cops and Robbers.  Bright orange in-mate uniforms were worn by the majority with the PR in police uniforms.

We had croissants and hot chocolate during registration just to make the day a little bit different.

The final assembly was very funny.  With Mr Burgan leaving as well this year, he featured heavily as Yoda in a voiced over clip from Star Wars.  There were photos of the students from their childhoods and quotes from the Prep School - comments on how they felt moving from Year 6 into 7 all acted out by Mr Harding.  Favorite hymns were sung with gusto!

Later in the day the Year 13s will have a BBQ and ice-creams and time together to reminisce about their time here.

Summerhill Year 13 leavers

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Mimi's 17th birthday

Yesterday was Mimi's 17th birthday.  She told no one at all that it clashed with her first exam so we were all really surprised to find out she'd had to do an AS.

Manaho and Simran

Home-made and bought cake (which is which??)


Cherry's birthday celebration

On Wednesday we celebrated Cherry's birthday with cake and singing.


Selene and Ema

Edith and Olga

Birthday girl - Cherry

Simran and Lara

Rigam and Simran


